Who am I?
I’m David Quinn, Southend local, double Literature graduate, barista and Nonbinary writer extraordinare! If I’m not at work, you can find me writing, volunteering, or watching really, REALLY bad horror movies.

Whoa! That’s cool! What’re your plans for the future?
I’m hoping to write and edit copy professionally one day! While it might not sound like the most fascinating job, my two favorite things are making engaging content and responding to other talented writers!
I’m also hoping to write some personal projects eventually, I’ve been writing Folk Horror stories for the last couple months, and I’m in the process of turning my MA dissertation on Cosmic Horror into a book. Keep an eye out for my name on bookshelves in a couple years if you like!
What does Nonbinary mean?
In the context of gender identity, ‘Nonbinary’ roughly means not identifying strongly with any particular gender within the Male-Female binary. So not strictly being a woman, or a man.
That being said, the term often means different things to different people, and if someone close to you identifies as Nonbinary I would say it’s worth asking them what that means! If they don’t know or don’t want to explain it just yet, be patient!
How can I become a content creator with Transpire?
Ooh good on you! We’re always happy to welcome volunteers!
I would either Email Transpire at: mailto:info@transpiresouthend.org
Or PM our Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/transpiresouthend/
We’ll need either an example of your work or a portfolio and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can!

Why did I join Transpire?
Good question! I would answer with two reasons. Firstly, I believe I have a lot to contribute to this group! Transpire does amazing work, but is in need of volunteers and publicity, how else are people going to find out about us? So with my regular content, and experience volunteering, hopefully I can help Transpire hold some amazing events and become a little more well known!
My second reason for joining Transpire is because they do incredible and important work. Making Southend safer for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming (GNC) people, and running information campaigns on Trans issues are both vital for making people in our town safer and happier. Events like the recent workshop for parents of Trans and GNC young people, or their regular “Meet and Eats” help trans people feel at ease, and spread vital information for trans people and allies alike.
Another bonus is that the volunteering team at Transpire are lively, welcoming and great to work with! I’m posting my experiences with them at the 2020 Southend Winter Pride soon, as well as some interviews so keep an eye out!
What content am I going to bring to Transpire online?
Full disclosure: Since the site has been quiet for a while, reviving the website might take a little more than a fun turn of phrase and some snappy bullet points. So we’re thinking of weekly, 500~ word pieces on any variety of things! While we’re focusing on Transpire and content related to being transgender or gender nonconforming, we’ll also be uploading opinion pieces, game and book reviews and more! Exciting right?
That’s everything! I’m looking forward to writing more for you, stay safe and I hope to be seeing you at one of our events soon!